martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

My favorite technological object

My favorite technological object is my computer.
I really like to use internet, it`s really interesting. I can fine everything I want.
I usually download songs from internet maybe one or two a day.
Also I love computer games, I could spend all day playing.
I like to chat too, with people all over the world.
I really like that kind of thing.

But the computer also can be used by bad people to cheat innocent children, and used them to make child pornography, please themselves and other really bad stuff...

Invents can be really helpfull if they are well used

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

this is my blog

Welcome to my blog¡¡¡

My name is Alejandra. I`m studing Veterinary. I`m doing the last basic level of english.
I`ve created this blog becose the english teacher asked us to do it. I never had a blog before.

I`ve came to live in Santiago to study this career. My real home is in Codigua, a place very quiet and nice, far from the capital stress (I`m not huasita jajjajaja)

my dream is speak english well and I hope this blog will help me...