jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

this is my blog

Welcome to my blog¡¡¡

My name is Alejandra. I`m studing Veterinary. I`m doing the last basic level of english.
I`ve created this blog becose the english teacher asked us to do it. I never had a blog before.

I`ve came to live in Santiago to study this career. My real home is in Codigua, a place very quiet and nice, far from the capital stress (I`m not huasita jajjajaja)

my dream is speak english well and I hope this blog will help me...

10 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. hi ale: how have you been? I think you are a very nice person, don´t change. see you, bye.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Hi Lapa!!!
    this is my oficial blog!!!
    you should visit me!!
    I'll see you in the U!!!

  5. hello ponciaa "huasita"
    jakajakjaka I laughed so much with your comment
    despite that is not true, remember that I am a serious person.

    take care ponciaa!

  6. Hi "cachi".. is late, but i'm here like a good friend writing to you a post :P

    add me in your list!


  7. Hi cachi!!
    How have you been?
    Thank you very much for hepl me in the cration of my blog.
    If you need help for Any thing call me ok!

    A Hug!

  8. Hi cachi. How are you?. Do you have your notebook of epidemiology complete?. I hope that... See you in class... Bye.

  9. Hi alejandra
    how are you doing?
    your blog is really nice
    can you visit my blog??
    add me
